Namaspray Yoga and Meditation Sprays

Spray around any room to start the morning with a positive attitude and with the physical and mental benefits of yoga. You can also use it before or after meditation by misting your personal space or yoga mat. Reconnect with your practice. Find your balance. Easy to use, no mess. Hand picked clear quartz crystals in every bottle to elevate your yoga and meditation practice.

AHH Blend for MANIFESTING. Helps to achieve successful manifesting.
HUM Blend for FOCUS. Supports focus and clarity of thought.
OM Blend for VIBRATION. Assists in elevating your emotional and spiritual vibration.
ZEN Blend for SERENITY. Promotes calm and tranquility for ultimate serenity.

With continued use of NAMASPRAY during yoga and meditation rituals, your brain will come to associate the scent with the centered, open state you experience during practice. Later, even when you're not doing yoga or meditation, misting your personal space will help bring about this state through a process called neuro-associative conditioning and you can experience this “connected” state any time. NAMASPRAYS pure essential oils were chosen to work together synergistically to enhance your yoga and mediation practice.
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